Victims of Duty
by Eugène Ionesco
L'Etage Cabaret
March 15 - 28, 2007
Directed by Tina Brock

Tina Brock
Costume Design
Melissa Black
Sound Design
Tina Brock
Stages Manager/Lights and Sound
Ryan McMenamin
Production Manager
Bob Schmidt
Playing time is 75 minutes; there will be no intermission.
Feel free to visit the bar and accommodations,
located in the lobby, throughout the show.
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3 Leg Torso: 3 Leg Torso & Astor in Paris (Meester Records)
John Zorn: Filmworks II: Cynical Hysterie Hour (Tzadik)
The Blue Series Continuum: Good and Evil Sessions (Thirsty Ear)
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Eugène Ionesco (1909 – 1994)was undoubtedly the most fertile and original of the dramatists of the Absurd, and also, in spite of a streak of clowning and fun for its own sake in his work, one of the most profound. He was, moreover, the most vocal of the dramatists of the Absurd, prepared to discuss the theoretical foundations of his work and to reply to the attacks on it from committed left-wing realists. The critique of language and the haunting presence of death are Ionesco’s chief themes in plays like The Bald Soprano, The Lesson, The Chairs, The Killer, Rhinoceros, and Exit The King. Amédée or How to Get Rid of It (1953) was Ionesco’s first full-length play and contains one of his most telling images. It is also characteristic in its alternation between states of depression and euphoria, leaden oppression and floating on air, an image which reappears through his work.
Victims of Duty (2007)
"Who knew there was still an empty niche in Philly's jam-packed theater scene? Well, there was, and the new Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium has come to fill it with its specialty, the Theater of the Absurd. Eugene Ionesco's Victims of Duty is a bizarre, rarely seen work by the Romanian/French playwright whose Rhinoceros and The Chairs are classics of the modern stage."
Toby Zinman, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Director's Notes
March 2007
Victims of Duty: A Fun House of Mirrors
The IRC's inaugural season is underway, and we're glad you’re here to experience Ionesco's parody of conformist modern life. We're excited to flex our absurdist muscles with this disturbing yet hilarious gem written in 1952.
I'm interested to know your reactions to this play. When I first read Victims last year, Monty Python and Fawlty Towers came to mind, as well as shades of Mel Brooks, especially Young Frankenstein. When I asked friends to give Victims a read, not a few responded with "It's so disturbing…it's so dark." I reacted to the hilarity of the existential struggle, the absurdity of the lengths to which we will go to keep our fears and demons at bay, and the beauty that arises from not knowing -- the formlessness that's required to sustain faith and make personal sense of it all.
Victims' Nicholas explains, "we are not so much ourselves as another" and "personality doesn't exist." As the actors explored these ideas, they challenged themselves to simply respond to what was given them by the other characters, to be affected by the unfolding experience, without thinking or analyzing. We all were, as Choubert explains, “surprised to be.”
Ionesco’s thoughts: “We need to be virtually bludgeoned into detachment from our daily lives, our habits and mental laziness, which conceal from us the strangeness of the world. Without a fresh virginity of mind, without a new and healthy awareness of existential reality, there can be no theatre and no art either; the real must be in a way dislocated, before it can be reintegrated.”
For the actors working through it all and for me as a director/spectator attempting to negotiate the tricky tonal balance in Ionesco’s work, we often felt as though we were walking a tightrope hovering above a very deep abyss. As the Detective in Victims sizes up Choubert's existential problem to this wife Madeleine: "He's either too heavy or too light." These discoveries made our Victims rehearsal process an exciting and confounding one, a joy wrapped in an enigma. When we got stuck, I tried to imagine Ionesco himself giving us advice, explaining what he really intended. What I was left with in the end is that our struggle and confusion were the point of it all, and exactly how he would have wanted it.
Thanks for spending your evening with us.
Tina Brock
Artistic Director
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Sat, March 17, 2007
by Toby Zinman
Local Company Ups the Absurdity Quotient
Who knew there was still an empty niche in Philly's jam-packed theater scene? Well, there was, and the new Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium has come to fill it with its specialty, the Theater of the Absurd. Eugene Ionesco's Victims of Duty is a bizarre, rarely seen work by the Romanian/French playwright whose Rhinoceros and The Chairs are classics of the modern stage.
The plot (don't be absurd) involves characters (don't be ridiculous) who are married (don't be bourgeois). A detective (Brian Adoff) arrives, disrupting their dreary domesticity: Someone named Mallot (or perhaps Mallod) must be found. The husband (Bob Schmidt) must go down (deeper, deeper) or, perhaps, up (higher, higher), and finally discovers that he is Mallot (or perhaps Mallod), the journey having been into his own subconscious. Naturally (oh, really now) or perhaps only Freudianly, his wife (Amie Shafer) becomes his mother, the detective his father.
As he is lost in memory and found in the present, they are joined by two people who seemed to be audience members but turned out to be cast members - Lee Pucklis in the play's most pretentious role and Pat Lewis in the play's most silent role.
The venue, despite terrible sight lines, seems perfect for the show: L'Etage Cabaret, with its beaded red curtain and hassock seating, feels, somehow, suitably European. Director Tina Brock has made clever use of the peculiar space, letting the play spill off the stage, encroaching on our "reality" (oh, please).
The actors sometimes catch the tricky tone, and sometimes don't; both Brian Adoff and Amie Shafer are the most successful, and Pat Lewis' expressive, inquisitive gaze is perfect.
Ionesco's plays tend to make the same points over and over: Conformity is death to identity, society is strangled by rules and laws, theater is dying if not dead, and repetition is inescapable - a device he ratchets up into a fine frenzy.
One character concludes a theoretical argument about the state of dramatic art with an unanswerable idiopathic line: "We've got Ionesco, that's enough!"
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