
idiopathic (adj.)
(from The Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry)
Arising by itself, not consequent upon, or symptomatic of, another disease; essential.
ridiculous (adj.)
(from American Heritage Dictionary)
Deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd, preposterous, or silly.
radiculopathy (n.)
(from American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary)
Disease of the spinal nerve roots. Which led to: ridiculopathy +
consortium (n.)
(from American Heritage Dictionary)
An association or a combination for the purpose of engaging in a joint venture.
“Theatre is simply what cannot be expressed by any other means;
a complexity of words, movements and gestures that convey a vision of the world
inexpressible in any other way.”
-Eugene Ionesco
The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium's mission is to produce and present the classics of absurdist theatre to an international audience within the Philadelphia region.
The IRC presents rarely-produced, renowned plays from around the world that explore and illuminate human purpose - the tragedy and comedy of human experience through philosophical inquiry.
Our dedicated Consortium of artists strive to deliver an immersive, intimate experience, posing questions about human existence that resonate and ignite thought and conversation between individuals and communities.
We create theater that is intelligent, thought-provoking and humorous. Through performances that are ironic, buoyant and infectious, the work strives to displace and transform the audience's perspective, using language in combination with a sensory experience that includes all design elements to express abstract ideas that text alone struggles to convey.
Absurdist authors create a mythological, archetypal, allegorical vision aligned to the world of dreams. The focus is man's bewilderment and confusion, stemming from his anxiety in searching for answers to why we live, why we die, why injustice and suffering. An equally important theme in absurdist writing is man's attempts to communicate: through fruitless behaviors, characters seek to restore myth, ritual and security to their world.
Existentialist themes resonate as cogently as when they were introduced by the loosely-defined group of playwrights known as Absurdist in the 1950's and 60's, as we continue to wrestle with the effects of technology on communication, spirituality, politics, morality, ethics and religion in our global community.
The IRC is the only dedicated absurdist theater group in the world, and has been entertaining sold-out audiences since its founding in 2006, receiving critical praise, a steadily growing and diverse audience of loyal supporters. The IRC and is annually ranked as one of the top theater presenters in Philadelphia's Annual FringeArts Festival, in a field of more than 150 shows.
The IRC experience is an exciting and challenging journey for seekers from all walks of life on multiple platforms: philosophical, psychological, physical and spiritual. Our dedicated group of artists invites you to explore these questions with us and share the IRC word with friends.
Our body of work is supported in large measure by individual donors.
The IRC incorporated in May 2006, with the mission of presenting classic, seldom-performed works from authors, playwrights and predecessors of the loosely-defined Theater of the Absurd, which includes playwrights include Eugene lonesco, Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter, and Edward Albee who introduced the wod to a defining and groundbreaking theatrical form in the mid-20th century.
Existential questions can serve as a starting point for personal and social change. Posing these questions in an intimate setting, holding a mirror to ourselves, we see its relevance and importance today, influencing popular culture and modem playwrights, as we challenge ourselves as individuals, as a city, and a nation.
These stories bring to light the paradox and absurdity of life in modem times, the pathos and humor inherent when language is used to communicate our deepest questions and emotional struggles.
IRC tells these unique stories with the goal of balancing text, sound, scenic and costume design to engage the senses by exciting and igniting audiences in an intimate setting. Our aim is to intrigue and involve curious seekers who remember these classic works when they first caught the attention of audiences in the mid 2oth-century, as well as a new generation of theater enthusiasts with fresh interpretations of these important, timeless parables.
The IRC developed its audience beginning in a small cabaret theater, performing with simple stage settings and technical support while developing a seasoned ensemble of performers uniquely adept at the absurdist style.
The IRC's emphasis on the humor in the existential struggle, the non-linear, abstract nature of the form, faithfulness to the text and accessibility of the interpretation has resulted in a steadily-growing audience, including students from many disciplines, sold-out performances, and a rapidly-growing and appreciative international audience.
Our staff and ensemble size allow for flexibility, our commitment and passion keep the process rigorous. Over 65% of operating support comes from individual donations and ticket sales. Receiving consistent praise from audience and critics over the past decade,
the IRC has grown its foundation of loyal support over the years. Now in our 10th season, the IRC has recently completed a strategic planning process that includes additional programs to engage Philadelphia's vibrant university community as well as plans to expand and diversify our board of directors.
We incorporate elements of vaudeville, clowning, dance, plus integration of the stage setting, lights and sound to immerse the audience, creating a provocative experience for curiosity seekers and students of life. The IRC's mission is to illustrate these universal questions with fresh perspective, rendering classic stories relevant for a modern audience. In our first decade, the IRC has established itself as the preeminent interpreter of absurdist work in the region.
Commitment to Diversity
The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium is committed to presenting classics of absurdist theatre; plays that contain multiple points of view, a profusion of voices, and multi-dimensional perspectives. We remain dedicated to casting mature performers and energized beginners of all experience levels and backgrounds, gender-bending and gender-swapping, and an ensemble approach to training and teamwork. The IRC remains dedicated to presenting rarely produced, renowned plays that explore and illuminate the human purpose, creating a dialogue with the audience about the relevance and impact of the human condition in our contemporary world.

Board of Directors
Norman S. Ellman
Former Professor of Modern and Classical Languages
Saint Joseph's University
Tina Brock
Producing Artistic Director
The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium
Erica Hoelscher
Associate Artistic Director
Chairperson, Department of Theatre,
Professor of Theatre, Lehigh University
Bob Schmidt
Ways and Means Coordinator
The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium
Advisory Committee
Ben Doranz, PhD, MBA
President and CEO
Integral Molecular, Inc.
Strategic Planning Consultant
Greg Nanni
Playwright/Theater Artist
Larry Wilkins
Retired Educator
Ex-Officio, IRC Board President
Dr. Marcia Ferguson
Professor of Theater, University of Pennsylvania
Actress, Director, Producer

The IRC’s 2025 season is made possible, in part, by generous support from The Philadelphia Cultural Fund; The Virginia Brown Martin Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation, following a recommendation by Gene F. Dilks; The William Penn Foundation Matching Gift Program; and by YOU, our loyal and growing audience -- over 70% of our 125K annual budget is generated through ticket sales and individual donations.
Many thanks to all who have contributed to the IRC since its founding in 2006. Safe journeys as we roll along.
$1000.00 & above
The Philadelphia Cultural Fund
William Penn Foundation Matching Gift Program
Ed and Anne Koper Wagner
The Virginia Brown Martin Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation
John and Penny Stanger
$500.00 - $999.99
Andy Lamas & Ginny Vanderslice
Ben Doranz
Erica Hoelscher
$250.00 - $499.99
Norman and Carolyn Ellman
Neil and Mercedez Durkin
Carla Sarett
$100.00 - $249.99
Fred Allen Barfoot
Robert and Donna Castle
Steve Peitzman
Christa Williford
Tad and Deborah Davis
Philip Alperson & Mary Hawkesworth
Pat and Stacey Bishop
Gary Cohn & Marcy Druker-Cohn
Stephen Duskin & Jennifer Berke
James Frazier
Stephen Geraci
Fred Jackes & Judy Adamson
Peter Katsufrakis
Moe and Sandy Lebo
Ruth Levikoff
Mark Mendenhall
Stephen Platt & Robin Schaufler
Robin and Joseph Rodriguez
Marc Scheiner
Bob and Pat Schmidt
Bertram and Lynne Strieb
Albert Them & Jane Rutledge
Philip Wagner
Robert Wickline
Susan Zawislak
$50.00 - $99.99
Alan Bronstein
John and Theresa D'Alonzo
Anna Goldstein
Roberta Kangilaski
Fred and Carol Kueppers
Margaret Lonzetta
Ross Mitchell
Nancy Sokerka Railey
Gary Swisher
$1.00 - $49.99
Madison Caudullo
Robert Gorchov & Patricia McGovern Gorchov
Jean R. Haskell
Arlene Ketchum
Denise La Marra & Mark Wilhelm
Mark Sandberg
Oleg Brovender
John and Alberta Chiaravalloti
Cheryl Familant

Donate / Contact
The IRC developed its audience beginning in a small cabaret theater, performing with simple stage settings and technical support while building a seasoned ensemble of performers uniquely adept at presenting and interpreting these important works.
We are committed to creating theater that is intelligent and thought-provoking. Through performances that are ironic, buoyant, and infectious the work resonates and enlivens a broad audience in our modern world. We hope to displace and transform the audience’s perspective, using language in combination with an entire sensory experience to express ideas that words alone cannot convey.
We are a flexible and efficient consortium. The IRC's non-profit (501C3) status enables us to receive foundation and government support, which accounts for 25% of our annual budget. A robust 75% comes from YOU!, our audience, via individual donations and ticket sales. We have grown steadily over the past decade, receiving consistent praise from critics and audience alike. Approaching our 10 year anniversary, we are boldly forging ahead, building programs to engage Philadelphia’s vibrant university/educational community and invigorated efforts to build and expand our board of directors.
With your tax-deductible gift, the IRC continues to excavate and polish seldom-produced absurdist gems. Our promise and our mission is that we will be efficient and effective stewards of your hard-earned dollars. An efficient, audience-supported model has enabled the IRC to celebrate our 17th season this year.
For helping us to reach this milestone, and for your ongoing and abundant generosity, we thank you!
The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium
P. O. Box 63872
Philadelphia, PA 19147