"...brilliant, unflinching performances that tie us to their real-life counterparts as I’ve never seen before."
"I'm willing to venture that this material has never seemed so lucid, or emerged with such sweet poetry, as it does here."
"...leave it to Tina Brock and her mighty little Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium to choose to bring The Two Character Play to absurd life once more, and to make us feel all the crazy, despairing desperation it contains."
"The actors, consummate veterans, are ridiculously sublime... top of the line designers—sound, scene, lighting, costume, who know what they’re doing..."
Watching THE TWO-CHARACTER PLAY (OUT-CRY) by Tennessee Williams
“The Eccentricities of a Nightingale is a brilliant cabinet of curiosities.”
“…outrageous mayhem, incorrect and hilarious…” “Sex! Violence! More sex! More violence! IRC’s hilarious production of Christopher Durang’s Betty’s Summer Vacation is a total hoot.”
“...this powerful reappraisal of Come Back, Little Sheba will live on in your memory long after the lights go up. Think you know William Inge? Think again.”
“It's not that way, it's over here...a wonderfully immersive experience...increasingly ridiculous and heightening stakes are a masterclass in comedic scene work...”
“…tragic…hilarious…political…psychological…absurd…People laughed. People cried. Mostly we just sat wide-eyed and amazed.”
“...a sublime trip through the ridiculous... zany, intrepid company…”
“...daring little company…”

wishing you a calm and peaceful new year
from your friends at the IRC
Looking ahead to 2025, and to seeing you once again on stage!
(planning as we skate)
Sending and receiving holiday greeting cards is a special part of the season's activities for many. This one instantly sparked nostalgic memories of winter days spent ice skating on nearby ponds and lakes near a childhood home. Hours on the ice, no deadlines to meet, no phones to beckon us, frozen to the bone, we were solely concerned with practicing new moves and letting our imaginations run wild.
This picture also captures the essence of planning the next phases of the IRC -- slowly gliding along, one skate followed by the next, watching for smooth patches and holes in the ice, figuring out which part of the lake to skate on. We're working out where and how to once again connect audiences and the collective IRC spirit in a fashion that works alongside our work schedules, families and within the current artistic landscape.
The wonderful news is, because of your generosity over the last 19 years, the IRC's financial outlook is sunny and solid. The next step is getting back out on the ice and practicing the moves, introducing some new ones, and remembering what we all love about the live IRC theater experience.
We look forward to sharing news with you very soon, when plans are firmed up, so we can celebrate together as we all creatively and bravely roll along into the years ahead.
Wishing you and yours a joyous New Year.
Tina Brock
Producing Artistic Director
Erica Hoelscher
Assistant Artistic Director
Bob Schmidt
Ways and Means Coordinator

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Check out the IRC Podcast!
Absurd, abstract and intriguing, Into the Absurd reveals the passions and purpose of creators around the country in a 50 minute conversation happening Saturdays at 5 pm at the virtual dinner table, hosted by Tina Brock, Producing Artistic Director of The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium, a Philadelphia-based theater whose mission is producing existentialist and absurdist theater. We'll Bring Good Nothingness to Life each week, keeping playwright Samuel Beckett's famous phrase front of mind: "You Must Go On. I Can't Go On. I'll Go On." Join us as we illuminate creative works and creative thinking, finding the poetry in existentially challenging times, sharing a laugh and always a story -- connecting us to our works and to each other. On on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, and wherever you get your Podcasts.