Into the Absurd: A Virtually Existential Dinner Conversation
by The IRC
To Be Announced - on Zoom and Facebook Live
June 14, 2020 - present
Directed by Tina Brock

A dream for years has been to round up passionate creators and artists from the community and around the country to explore their great works and existential motivators. During this time of hiatus from live theater, we’re pursuing the IRC’s mission of illuminating the existential journeys of creatives and their unfolding stories on the world stage. We hope you’ll join in for 50 minutes each week for Into the Absurd: A Virtually Existential Dinner Conversation.
Hosted by IRC producing artistic director Tina Brock, we’ll expand the IRC’s mission to Bring Good Nothingness to Life to the virtual stage. We’ll chew the virutal fat and explore what it means to live and to think about art in a brave new world — how our thinking and actions are uplifting our communities and in neighborhoods and the country. Bring a beverage, your curiosity, and your questions for our dinner guests to make it a lively gathering until we can share stories with you on the stage again.
Receive a weekly show line up and links to the guest’s works — Join our mailing list!
To Be Announced
Celebrating the Dynamic Diva in Many Art Forms: Liz Goldberg on Living with Spirit – 10/02/21
All That Fall: Michael Toner on Irish Theater, Playing Beckett and What’s on the Horizon – 09/25/21
Mark Wilson’s Artistic Journey: Music Professor, Professional Opera Singer, Arts Administrator – 09/18/21
Awakenings and Transformations: Ego Po’s Lane Savadove – 09/11/21
Her Heart Belongs to Comedy: Improvisation, Lawyers and SNL with Sharon Geller – 08/28/21
Her Strength, Our Story: Exploring the Many Theatrical Stages of Trudy Graboyes – 08/21/21
Ari Benjamin Bank – Highest Office: The Activism of Ari Bank Has No Term Limits – 08/14/21
A Jewish Adopted Woman’s Reckoning with Her Refugee Origins: The Poetry of Lisa Grunberger – 08/07/21
From Pencil to Vectorworks: The Designing Mind of Dirk Durossette – 07/31/21
Seeking Contradiction and Irony: Designer Mark Williams on the Liveness of Theatre and Dance – 07/10/21
Looking Back, Moving Forward: Producer Darnelle Radford Pulls Focus – 07/03/21
“Make voyages. Attempt them. There’s nothing else.” – Talking Tennessee Williams – Joanna Rotte 6/26/21
Priceless: David and Sonja Robson’s Artistic Union in Life, on Stage and Through the Lens – 06/19/21
Alexander Artway’s Photographic New York: A Daughter’s Journey – 06/12/21
Philadelphia’s Architectural Dream Garden – Thom Nickels – 06/05/21
The Looking Glass: Poetry During Pandemic with Carla Sarett – 05/29/21
Philadelphia Here I Come: Celebrating Kirsten Quinn’s Luminosity – 05/22/21
The Beckett Actor: “Walking a Tightrope as if a Three-Lane Highway” with Michael Toner – 05/15/21
Impossible Spaces and Twisted Perspectives: Anna Kiraly’s Visual Paradise Park – 05/08/21
Eternal Artistic Explorer: James Jackson on Learning to Travel Light – 05/01/21